This is a quick note to let you know that I will be speaking at the 2018 Garden Expo This February 9-11. On both Friday and Saturday I will be speaking for about an hour about my adventure to Peru, but mostly about the Potato Park and the important work a group of 6000 indigenous people are doing to protect potatoes and the many varieties that originate high in the Andes Mountains. Would love to see you at one of the sessions I am leading.
Friday, Feb. 9, 4 p.m. Waubesa/Kegonsa room
Saturday, Feb. 10, 2:15 in Mendoda 5 room
Below is the program notes about my talk
Where 6,000 People are Protecting Potatoes for the World
Joshua Feyen
Madison Area Permaculture Guild
Josh Feyen visited Paru Paru, one of six villages in a uniquely-designated area high in the Andes Mountains. This is the birthplace of the potato, and Josh returned with video, photos and stories about a small group of people dedicated to growing, preserving and sharing potato plants, culture and knowledge. Learn about traditional planting and harvesting, and the Park's modern-day efforts to keep potato seed stock free from biotech company royalties, for humanity to share this amazingly adaptable staple crop. And photos of llamas and alpacas, because they're just cute.
See the full schedule here